[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Labs Engineering Steering Committee

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 23 22:42:49 EDT 2009

David Farning wrote:
> A couple of time over the last several weeks, there have been some
> high level discussions about Sugar Labs technical issues.  The most
> recent one has been about differing needs of distributors and core
> developers.

I don't recall any discussion that matches that description.  There was a
thread on devel at laptop.org regarding a configuration decision that will be
made by OLPC and its clients, and that can trivially be changed by anyone
else whose goals are different.

> If we factor in the current size and expected growth rate of the sugar
> ecosystem, it makes sense to start a sugar Labs engineering Steering
> committee to set and communicate technical policy decisions.

No.  Our lack of committees is one of our greatest strengths.

The "Sugar Labs engineering steering committee" is sugar-devel.


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