[Sugar-devel] ASLO vs. wiki.laptop.org activities

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Fri Jun 19 10:46:04 EDT 2009


Would you mind holding an activities team meeting next week?

It looks like we are getting pretty close to consensus on:
1.  How to move forward with updating activities via ASLO. We should
at least put it on a roadmap so we can synchronize our work and
2.  Reduce redundant information on w.sl.o, w.lt.o and ASLO.  Factors
to consider are:
Expectations of existing user base.
Update mechanism at existing deployments.
Reduce overall confusion.
Reduce workload on activity developers.
Scalability of solution.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Gary C Martin<gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> On 18 Jun 2009, at 15:28, James Simmons wrote:
>> David,
>> I am doing that now, but the page I'm pointing to is the one on
>> wiki.laptop.org.  Should I abandon that page and create a new one somewhere
>> else?  Should I perhaps move my pages to wiki.sugarlabs.org and replace my
>> current page with a link to ASLO?
> FWIW, I've duplicated my relevant wiki.laptop.org content over to
> wiki.sugarlabs.org. Then used the below template at the top of my old
> wiki.laptop.org page:
>        http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Template:Activity_migrated_to_sl.o
> My Moon wiki code looks something like this:
> {{Activity migrated to sl.o |
> download=http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4034 Moon |
> git=http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/moon Moon |
> homepage=http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Moon Moon }}
> I feel this will allow existing deployments to continue to find the
> documentation if needed, and provides warning and hint of some future change
> over, once such a thing is ready.
> FWIW: I try to test all Activities I'm involved with under both 0.82, 0.84
> to make sure they work. There's nothing worse than end of life'ing some set
> of users because they can't upgrade to the latest and greatest Sugar
> release.
> FWIW2: I've been considering adding Labyrinth to the wiki.laptop.org
> activities/all page as that's where the vast majority of our main user base
> is still going; though the links would all lead to SL infrastructure.
> Regards,
> --Gary
>> James Simmons
>> David Farning wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:38 PM, James Simmons<jim.simmons at walgreens.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I've been maintaining ASLO and the wiki.laptop.org activities pages for
>>>> both of my Activities.  I'd be willing to give up the Wiki page if ASLO
>>>> gave me someplace to put the level of detail I have on those pages.  Now
>>>> some of this detail could be cut down, but for Read Etexts at least how
>>>> to get TTS working needs some explanation, at least until most XOs have
>>>> the needed software installed by default.  I modeled my pages on the
>>>> original pages created for the Read Activity.
>>>> I'll do whatever everyone else does on this, but I am saying that the
>>>> amount of information I can put on ASLO is less than I'd like.
>>> The activity portal allows activity developers to set an Activity Home
>>> Page for each activity.  Any additional information should go on the
>>> home page.
>>> Would that solve your problem?
>>> david
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