[Sugar-devel] Elements Docs

Asaf Paris Mandoki asafpm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 13:59:39 EDT 2009

Thanks for the docs Chris.

I've been looking at the code of elements we have inside the physics
activity. It seems they're not the same version. There are some features
implemented in the physics activity code that aren't in the main code (e.g.

Does anybody know why don't we keep a single version?


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:30 AM, Chris Hager <chris at linuxuser.at> wrote:

> The doc is also available in the assembla svn repository.
> All the best from Vienna, Austria!
> Chris Hager
> Asaf Paris Mandoki wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on the Physics activity at the OLPC project. I've been trying
>> to have a look at the Elements documentation at
>> http://elements.linuxuser.at/doc but the link seems to be broken. Is
>> there a way you could send me the docs.
>> Thanks,
>> Asaf
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