[Sugar-devel] testing composition for speeding up graphics performance

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Thu Jun 18 05:09:06 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 20:00, Gary C Martin<gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:
> On 16 Jun 2009, at 20:50, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>> we are considering using the composite extension in order to improve
>> the perceived graphics performance of Sugar.
>> It would be great if someone could test it by running the following.
>> As root: "yum install xcompmgr"
>> As normal user in the terminal activity: "xcompmgr -a"
>> And report any performance improvements when switching windows,
>> sliding the frame in and out, and any other operations that involve
>> redrawing parts of the screen.
> Yes, looked frame and pop-up menus seems smoother/cleaner XO-1 SoaS 0.84.
> I did notice one minor issue regarding the  3 types of zoom view
> (Neighbourhood/Group/Home). When you switch to one from an Activity you
> briefly get shown the last zoom view before the one you actually chose is
> re-drawn. Example; you're in the Neighbourhood view, you switch to the
> Journal, you switch to the Home view and briefly see the old Neighbourhood
> first before the redraw catches up and shows you Home.

Wonder if that's intended, as going to a zoom level involves some kind
of animation, i.e. is not intended to take you there as fast as



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