[Sugar-devel] Physics Roadmap

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Wed Jun 17 04:33:38 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 07:29, Edward Cherlin<echerlin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you look at my Turtle Art version of Alan Kay's third-grade gravity lesson?
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Gravity.odt

I'm forwarding this to olpc-sur in case someone there wants to
translate to spanish and give it a try in their classrooms.



> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Brian Jordan<bcjordan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Attaching Sugar Devel (people who want to be involved with Physics
>> development  might be on there).
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Asaf Paris Mandoki<asafpm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've managed to get my development environment working and started hacking
>>> the Physics activity. I added a "pin" button and a "motor" button so these
>>> features aren't hidden anymore. I wanted to add a Play/Pause button but it's
>>> not as easy as I thought. It is much better to control time flow with the
>>> keyboard but I think it would be good to have a way to make the feature
>>> explicit. I'm planing on committing my changes to the main branch as soon as
>>> I come up with a nicer icon for the motor button.
>> Commit it :)
>> Would anyone like to help with making menu icons?
>>> After I'm done with that I'm thinking on starting with the journal
>>> integration. I will clone the main branch and work over there. I've seen
>>> some suggestions for the scene file format at
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Physics_File_Format . Is there a handy XML library
>>> I could use?
>>> I see the Physics component is now on dev.sugarlabs.org. I've added a bug I
>>> found, should I add the features I would like to implement in the future? .
>>> What is the best way for communicating regarding this project? Who are the
>>> people involved right now?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Asaf
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