[Sugar-devel] [sugar-devel]engineering the moodle-print communication

Vamsi Krishna Davuluri vamsi.davuluri at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 16:03:37 EDT 2009

> Cookie +  HTTP POST to a defined URL would work well.

oh, okay, so I think I should follow these roots.

>Apologies for not being able to help more this week.


>You'll need to read the code in auth/olpcxs/auth.php -- note that
>_that_ code does a lot of stuff. You don't need to login the user,
>only to identify the right account and put the print request in the
>appropriate queue.

I think i've been working on the wrong moodle, I've been working
with the default moodle installation found at moodle.org. How do I
get everything XS-Moodle specific? A quick google search points
me  to this:
Should I proceed with that?

>I'd encourage handling the queue from moodle's cron. See admin/cron.php

right, this seems to be exact thing i'd need for dynamic clean-ups.
Anything dynamic like a queue.

>I'm not sure what your UIs look on the Sugar side,

the sugar side, my plan morphed into a completely new Print activity
The print activity can read any sugar supported mime and convert it
to pdf, and send to moodle etc through a new toolbar.
Thats about it.

>but we could
>leverage your work into being a "publish into moodle and/or print"
>action. "Push to moodle where everyone can see it and (if there's a
>printer) the teacher gets and extra button to print".

You mean the teacher gets a print button within sugar or within

>In that case, you will want to add a new tab to the 'user page'. You
>can see how I've added a 'backup' tab and an 'alias' tab.

>3 - it may make sense to add a small activity module for this that
>shows everything that the teacher ok'd to print (so 'printing' is also
>publishing in the online environment for the whole group). Given that
>all of this interaction is scoped to a group (the course participants
>in moodle parlance) it makes sense.

hmm, I will have to look into how to do this within the scope of a group.
also, on my default moodle installation a student can't see the
'users page' (i'd guess i can set permissions on that somewhere)
could it be something under courses? if so, as a new module?
which loads itself?

Hope, you won't mind the newbie questions, i've done everything
on moodle almost by myself, I will definitely be lacking much.

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