[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] [Marketing] [SoaS] Request for Artwork: Boot Screen

Christian Marc Schmidt christianmarc at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 09:15:18 EDT 2009

Sorry, meant to reply-all! Comment below:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Martin Dengler <martin at martindengler.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 01:24:26PM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Marketing_Team/Boot_Logo
>> Christian - I myself prefer the "rays" to dots which I feel too
>> closely resemble networks in the Neighborhood view, confusion is
>> possible (networks being connected to at startup?)
> The rays are too dominant, IMHO.  The circles suffer from the
> confusion you mention, and the dots (gray) are just right.

I agree--the rays don't feel like they are part of the same visual
language as the rest of the UI, since they break the square grid that
other icons succumb to. I'm not sure about the confusion regarding the
color circles and access points; maybe we should ask around and see
what other people think? Maybe we could also just choose a single
color (the colors you have set for your XO) to avoid any confusion.
Otherwise, I'm also perfectly happy sticking to gray dots, and
coloring the XO as I mentioned earlier.

>> Re splash page with logo: in my next mockup I'll leave off the example
>> school logo.and move that frame to the end. It might be better to
>> "reserve" a frame for customizable logo or message, before or after
>> the Sugar spash page
> I think that information is great to work in, but it won't be too
> visible (thus useful) in just one frame, will it?
>> Version info: In fact I feel strongly about showing version
>> information...or its corollary, making it easy to find.
> +1
>> I agree that it's unpleasant to see numbers at boot time (especially a
>> datestamped snapshot number).
> In grey it's not, IMHO.
>> Nota: my idea would be for each version to change the Sugar logo color
>> too...
> Much less obtrusive, perhaps, and still effective.  I guess we'll run
> out of easily-differentiable fill colours in a few years, but that's a
> different bridge...
>> thanks
>> Sean
> Martin

anything at christianmarcschmidt.com


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