[Sugar-devel] Proposal to delete Platform field from ASLO

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sun Jul 26 23:20:04 EDT 2009

On 24 Jul 2009, at 06:31, Aleksey Lim wrote:

> Hi all,
> At the present moment 99% of all activities use "All" platform.
> I think we could use only "Sugar Platform" field.
> In case of activities like Measure(which has XO specific code and  
> works
> only on XO) we can mark all these activities as Experimental
> (users still have access to these activities) and create collection
> like "Experimental activities for XO" to let users track them.

I must admit  the platform setting is distracting, the "Compatible  
Applications" (BTW, badly named, should be "Sugar Release") which  
seems the more important setting is so hidden away vs. 'platform' that  
I often don't set it correctly (0.82 - 0.84). Having both, just  
introduces way to many permutations for any one to be able to  
reasonably test – you'd need 8 separate systems running various spins  
of Sugar and release distros. Hence I think most set "All" and wait  
for the bug reports...

Thanks for bringing this up.


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