[Sugar-devel] Book bundles and Read

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sat Jul 25 11:24:33 EDT 2009

Hi Aleksey,

On 25 Jul 2009, at 05:02, Aleksey Lim wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 04:53:33AM +0100, Gary C Martin wrote:
>> The term "content bundles" is still pretty wooly for me. Are we
>> talking zip files, perhaps with some formal structure?
> Object Bundles[1] will deprecate .xol in 0.86 and in case of previews,
> it will be regular field in METADATA file:
> "preview_file = <file-inside-bundle-with-preview>"
> [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Object_Bundles
> [2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Object_Bundles#METADATA_file

Thanks for the references. Having read that page I'm still confused  
about aspects of this proposal. Not sure I'm clear enough to ask sane  
questions. Let me try:

1) By "composite object" do you mean a container of many files/folders  
(a little like current .xol), or a container of many Journal  
compatible entries (i.e. 40 Read Activity pdf ebooks with thumbnail  
images, tags, and description)?
2) Is .xol extension proposed to go away, or will .xol be repurposed  
as a the "composite object"?
3) Why should a "composite object" open in Browse, is this just an  
example of a zipped up web site?
4) Will .xo will be used to store Activity bundles (i.e as we have  
now), and Activity entries (i.e. all meta-data and files as found for  
a Journal entry)?
5) Meta-data kept in an INI rather than json a file? What about non- 
text meta-data, the preview image comes to mind, but an activity might  
be storing other non text blobs of meta-data.

I have other confusions, but this will need to do for now :-)


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