[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Future of Zero Sugar

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Dec 15 09:19:15 EST 2009

On 15.12.2009, at 15:09, Daniel Drake wrote:
> I believe there are still various well-known 0.86 regressions (over
> 0.84). For example, Record not working. These regressions are going to
> be a huge headache to anyone who tries to upgrade, perhaps you could
> squash a few of those.

Speaking of upgrade headaches, the most significant UI change in 0.84 is resume-by-default, which combined with the still not implemented versioning is possibly unhealthy in deployments. I can see many Journal entries overwritten for good. Has there been any experience with kids used to the 0.82 way who switched to a later Sugar version? And if needed, would it be easy for deployments to revert to not resuming by default?

- Bert -

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