[Sugar-devel] The ARM is near

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Fri Aug 28 06:57:42 EDT 2009

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:51, Peter Robinson<pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As a developer, dropping .xo support would take a lot of work from my
>>>> shoulders, but I suspect our users would kill us...
>>> I suspect users will kill you as well when activities don't work on
>>> machine X but they do on Y....... your damned if you do, damned if you
>>> don't. Either way there's going to be pain, whether its the in the
>>> short or the long term.
>> Yeah, I guess Jonas' suggestion of promoting platform independent
>> bundles as "first class" addresses this concern.
>> I personally don't think we are going to be able to outdo rpms nor
>> debs so the less binary code we have the better.
>> That said, our users are free to do whatever they want and Sugar will
>> be deployed in wildly different scenarios. So I think that leaving
>> some extra flexibility is wise because if we try to anticipate all the
>> ways in which Sugar will be used, we'll fail.
> That's the advantage of open source - people can do what ever they
> like. I think from the sugar perspective there needs to be some
> standard defined and recommendation made +to make supporting it easier
> rather than just sitting on the fence. Deployments or people of course
> are then free to ignore those recommendations and package half a
> binary distribution up in their .xo if they so choose. At the moment
> its not so much of an issue but moving forward I think that if
> something isn't well defined now we're going to end up with a massive
> support burden going forward with users coming to mailing lists
> complaining because activities don't work and that sugar is bad
> because nothing works.

I agree, what's the Activity Team's opinion on this?



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