[Sugar-devel] multiple activity versions installed simultaneously (#1042)

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Mon Aug 17 12:24:54 EDT 2009

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 03:58:46PM +0545, Daniel Drake wrote:

> Maybe I'm reading the bug report wrong, but to me it seems to say that
> if Read ETexts v1 is installed (where installed = extracted on disk,
> icon on home screen, etc), and if we then click a link to Read ETexts
> v2, then that one *additionally* gets installed without the first one
> being removed. Right?

Current behaviour: If v1 is installed and you try to run v2 from bundle, 
an exception is thrown (=> nothing happens).
After my patch: If v1 is installed and you try to run v2 from bundle, v1 
will be removed and v2 installed.

In both cases the actual version numbers don't matter - i.e. there's no 
distinction between up- and downgrading.

CU Sascha

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