[Sugar-devel] Karma IRC meeting - August 11
NoiseEHC at freemail.hu
Mon Aug 10 08:32:48 EDT 2009
> Mmm, I'm not sure how realistic it is for people to be interested in
> providing that kind of data... But I could be wrong.
When I was visiting my elementary school there was a biology teacher who
took teaching biology very seriously. Computer technology was in its
infancy at that time so he used an overhead projector and has drawn a
lot of slides (plastic foils) with colored markers. It could have taken
a LOT of time to draw all those materials and because copying plastic
slides was (and probably is) very expensive he could not even share it
with other teachers. What is clear to me that at least in his mind the
materials were much higher quality than the books we used in class
otherwise he would not have been working with them so much.
Now my feeling is that approximately 1% of the teachers can be like my
biology teacher. Also approximately 5-10% of the teachers would spend
5-10 minutes per day to fix learning materials (like fixing spelling,
fixing examples kids did not understood in that day, etc). Even in small
countries like Nepal this 1% can be more manpower you have in OLPC
Nepal. Not using their helping potential is not too wise, I think that
if you make contributing easy then people will start doing it.
Of course this is just my speculation.
> Having said that I certainly believe that such a feature would be
> overkill at this point, there's a bunch of much higher priority tasks
> that we need to tackle before and it's important not to lose focus of
> our main goals.
Now that is what I agree with 100%. However at least planning for the
future cannot be a waste of time (unless it takes more time than can be
saved later). So probably the following two things would be enough
1. Do not use fancy lesson plans (like pdf or formatting) so creating
some some wiki -> karma converter will be possible. Then you will be
able to crowd source.
2. Do not wire questions/examples into the karma lesson. (It is mostly
done because of internationalization issues.) It is only relevant for
text only or mostly text only lessons because Karma is for programmers
and the potential contributors will be teachers and nonprogrammer people
cannot modify the code via a wiki I think that is obvious. They also
will not be able to draw via a wiki.
I think that you should consider at least the 1. point since it is
basically "do not do anything"... :)
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