[Sugar-devel] How to build an activity with a submodule?

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Aug 3 22:57:36 EDT 2009

I've made a branch gitorious repository at git.sugarlabs.org:


This repo uses a submodule to refer to groupthink, from


How can I produce an activity bundle to test?

If I clone pippy-groupthink, and then initialize and update the submodule,
I have all the files I need... but I also have all the .git* files and
directories.  setup.py isn't smart enough to ignore these, so they wind up
in the MANIFEST and in the bundle.

Gitorious isn't smart enough to handle submodules itself, so downloading
the gzipped tarball from gitorious doesn't provide sufficiently complete

So how can I produce an activity bundle?


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