[sugar] Sucrose 0.81.1 Development Release

Gary C Martin gary
Mon May 26 14:15:18 EDT 2008

On 26 May 2008, at 18:55, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> Watch out your teeth!
> The new Sucrose[1] 0.81.1 Development Release is out!
> This release has the following news and instructions to test the  
> release in
> sugar-jhbuild: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sucrose_0.81.1 You can  
> find the news as
> well at the end of this email. We skipped pippy and the log activity  
> since the code
> had difficulties on non XO platforms. We have fixes already so they  
> will be ready
> in the next release.
> If your feature missed that train, don't be sad the next cycle is  
> already on in two
> weeks http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Roadmap#Timeline
> Thanks to everyone who made this release possible!

Great effort folks!

I've occasionally been able to manually test some of this during  
development by rsyncing specific files/bundles over to my XO running  
the latest joyride. For those without access to a supported build  
environment (I'm OSX), how do we get a jffs2 image of all this so we  
can install on our XOs for testing and feedback?


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