[sugar] Release schedule and process

Andreas.Trawoeger at wgkk.at Andreas.Trawoeger
Wed May 14 06:36:19 EDT 2008

"Walter Bender" <walter.bender at gmail.com>schrieb am 13.05.2008 18:41:57:
> Ah. I was missing a subtly: do we agree that activities can be
> released on their own timeframe, but that some activities are released
> with the Sugar releases? For example, Write could be updated whenever
> the Abiword team feels it is appropriate, perhaps in sync with other
> Abiword releases, but a Sugar release would always include a working
> Write? Is this the Gnome model?

I don't think that it is necessary to sync the release date of Sugar and 
the Activities. But what is definitely necessary is to sync versioning. 

I'm still testing it out (we have a small XO kindergarten at Linuxwochen 
Vienna this Saturday). At the moment it seems that about 50% of all 
Activities won't work with Version 703 or have never really worked at all. 

If you include all GCompris Activities the number probably goes up to 
80?90% of Activities that won't work in one way or the other (no .xo file 
available, missing rpm packages, won?t start, major functional 

Without any dependency checking in the .xo files and no information at all 
that e.g. VideoChat Version X is supposed to work with Sugar version Y you 
are forced to spend many frustrating hours rechecking everything with each 
and every new Sugar release.

cu andreas

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