[sugar] [PATCH] Add a prototypical Search toolbar to Browse.

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti
Sun May 11 05:18:45 EDT 2008

Screeshots? :)

Eben, can you comment on the UI side of this.


On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 1:49 AM, Wade Brainerd <wadetb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all.
> This is an idea for a Search toolbar in Browse, submitted in order to
> generate discussion.  It's not acceptable as-is although I wouldn't
> mind feedback on the code and interface.
> The real reason for the patch is that I've been helping with the
> Wikiserver project - briefly, this is a custom BaseHTTPServer-based
> web server which serves a 100MB slice of the Spanish Wikipedia, in
> compressed wikitext form.  The server is wrapped into a Browse-based
> activity bundle.  The web server starts when the activity launches,
> and shuts down when the activity exits.  The Browse activity is set up
> to launch directly into the server's home page.
> As a next step, we need to be able to search the wiki, so we planned
> to add an HTML search form to the top of each page that the server
> returns. But rather than wasting page space and forcing the user to
> scroll all the way up to execute another search, wouldn't it be better
> to simply add a search box to the toolbar?  This led me to adding a
> Search toolbar to Browse.
> And that thought led me to, wouldn't it be better to have this web
> server running all the time (or at least whenever Browse is running)?
> In that case, our Wikiserver project could simply be another kind of
> content bundle, there would be no need for the activity at all.
> Best,
> Wade
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