[Sugar-devel] Cairo performance (was Re: SVG performance)

Marco Pesenti Gritti marcopg at sugarlabs.org
Mon Dec 8 07:10:57 EST 2008

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:44 AM, Wade Brainerd <wadetb at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm assuming that these SVGs are rendered at initialization time into
> bitmaps using Cairo.
> But either way, I think there is a big performance problem with Cairo on the
> XO.  I see it again and again in my activities, so far in Bounce, Typing
> Turtle and even Yay! Bee See; drawing simple shapes and images with Cairo
> seems to always kill interactivity.
> In Bounce I had to switch to custom gdk.Image based code in a C extension.
> I would have done PyGame except it doesn't allow for GTK widgets.
> I would like to see someone try getting in touch with Carl Worth
> (www.cworth.org) and ask him to look at Cairo performance on an XO.  I've
> tried contacting him in the past but not gotten a response.  It might be
> that we need to switch to an integer-only version, enable some optimization
> flags, or something similarly simple.

Carl is in #sugar these days, you might want to give another try :)


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