[sugar] Could someone test the Home search entry...?

Eben Eliason eben.eliason
Thu Aug 28 14:56:20 EDT 2008

Hello all -

I've recently experienced some very buggy behavior with the search
entry in Home in my jhbuild (master).  I want to ensure that this gets
properly tested in the upcoming joyride build (as I'll be moving/on
vacation myself), so I'm going to leave a couple test cases here for
someone to take on.

1. Switch to the list view of Home and enter 'bro' into the search
entry.  The Browse activity should turn up as the only result in the
filtered list.
2. Append a nonsense string to your search eg. 'broasdf'.  If all goes
well, you should have an empty list, though in my jhbuild testing,
Browse remained visible.
3. Clear the search entry (select text and delete, or click the little
'x' button within the entry).  The full list of installed activities
should return.  In my jhbuild testing, nothing could be done to
restore the full list.

If the above all work as expected, please verify the test case
attached to http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7874 as well.

Finally, if this is all verified as working in joyride, it's probably
still worth testing on the master branch in jhbuild, since I can't
seem to get it to work there.  Oddly, I tried reverting both sugar and
sugar-toolkit to the last commits on August 13th (the day I submitted
the patch attached to the aforementioned ticket, at which time that
test case DID work fine in jhbuild), but the problem remained after
rebuilding.  Perhaps git just hates me.

In any case, thanks for testing for me!  If this IS broken, I nominate
it as a blocker for 8.2.0, since it's easy to trigger a search, and
impossible to clear it to reveal all installed activities, thus making
it impossible to set favorites or launch some activities at all
without a reboot.

- Eben

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