[sugar] Collaboration across the web

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826
Wed Nov 21 05:57:53 EST 2007

 >Robert Arrowsmith wrote:

>/> My take on the idea is more about providing a method for people to
/>/> collaborate over the internet rather than being limited to the wifi range
/>/> of the mesh. Since we're on the cusp of a US/Canada wide userbase through
/>/> the Give One Get One event it seems the collaboration facility on the
/>/> laptops wont be available to most people.
/>/> I'd like to see the Sugar Neighborhood screen showing XO users linked
/>/> together through a server. Would it theoretically be possible to connect
/>/> XO users  via a server to allow collaboration? While I've studied the
/>/> Telepathy, D-Bus and Presence docs I'm still not sure how to implement it.
/>/> I'm thinking a PHP front end registration/login linked to a database
/>>/ accessed by a presence service.
>This already exists :)
>Telepathy is using two connection managers, telepathy-salut provides
>link local presence and sharing which is for those in mesh range, and
>telepathy-gabble which provides presence and sharing via a Jabber
>server. The Presence Service automatically registers with the Jabber
>server, so no front end is necessary.
>In the field, each school will have a schoolserver which will include
>this Jabber server.
>At present, and for G1G1, there is a Jabber server preconfigured. When
>you have internet access, it will "Just Work". The Neighborhood screen
>does show all those on that server currently.
>The server currently in use on the images is jabber.laptop.org. I don't
>know whether that server will be the default for G1G1 but I haven't
>heard otherwise.
>The server configured in the sugar-jhbuild emulator is
>olpc.collabora.co.uk, which is intended for developers - so if you run a
>sugar-jhbuild instance it sees a different server by default to the XO
> The jabber server can be configured using the control panel


thanks a lot for your message!

I certainly wasn't aware of the Japper functionality (not sure how I 
could have missed that!).

Anyway, does that mean if a school in Peru and another one in Uruguay 
can agree on one 'jabber-southamerica' server or something they can work 
together transparently?

Because one thing that I definitely think people will want to do is hook 
up several classes from a country (or even between countries) into a 
sort of virtual classroom so they can collaborate on projects!


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