[sugar] Privately-owned data on XOs?

Samuel Klein meta.sj
Fri Aug 24 16:57:30 EDT 2007

Is a private diary one of the core use cases we want to support?
That's not particularly collaborative, educational, or hard to achieve
without an XO.

Requiring extra effort to share things created on an XO network
propagates unnecessary barriers that exist in closed online
communities today, and limits the impact of connection with those
around you.

Sharing is the natural state of a close-knit community -- in this
case, XO networks exist explicitly to make things that are shared, and
to track contribution and participation rather than ownership (a
notion which gets fuzzy as soon as collaboration begins).  If you want
to do something different and private,, it should involve a conscious


On 8/24/07, Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2007, at 3:12 AM, Samuel Klein wrote:
> > Having user documents that are innately private runs counter to the
> > principles of an environment designed for sharing.  This is a familiar
> > model of ownership and privacy, but not necessarily an appropriate one
> > in this case.
> You'll have a shot at convincing me after you've convinced Walter.
> Personally, I really don't want kids to learn about privacy by virtue
> of having their diary splattered all over the mesh and web because
> things are public by default. I would refuse to use such a computer,
> so I am loathe to give it to others. I am, however, entirely fine
> with a setting somewhere that lets interested kids _change_ the
> default to shared/public for documents.
> --
> Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | http://radian.org

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