[sugar] Python: distutils, setuptools, packages, etc

Ian Bicking ianb
Thu Sep 28 16:15:24 EDT 2006

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
>> I wouldn't expect eggs to be the bundle format.  Bundles would 
>> typically include several eggs anyway, since we'd be including the 
>> dependencies. So, I'm guessing that an olpc_bundle command would create:
>>   MyCode.activity/
>>     eggs/
>>       MyCode-version.egg/...
>>       SomeDependencies-xxx.egg/...
>>     activity/
>>       activity.info # copied from MyCode/mycode/mycode.activity ?
>>       icon, localization...
>> Potentially activity.info could be created from metadata kept 
>> elsewhere.  Or maybe not, I'm not sure.  For instance, the "exec" key 
>> is something I think should be automatically generated (since there 
>> will be an up-front sys.path fixup to activate the eggs, then calling 
>> some function in MyCode).  Maybe that's what sugar-activity-factory does?
> Eggs sounds useful to package dependencies. We need to figure out how 
> the sys.path fixup happens exactly.

I think it's going to be like:

   for egg_dir in glob.glob(os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'eggs', '*.egg')):

That's pretty much it.  Alternately the eggs could be installed directly 
and just egg/ added sys.path, but if the eggs contain their own 
resources that can get more mixed up (and I suspect lots of eggs will 
contain resources).

> sugar-activity-factory just start a dbus service that can create new 
> instances of an activity.

Ah, I missed that "exec" is called at install time.

Ian Bicking | ianb at colorstudy.com | http://blog.ianbicking.org

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