[sugar] Sugar Python environment

Ian Bicking ianb
Wed Sep 27 16:52:48 EDT 2006

Owen Williams wrote:
>>> He put Python 2.4.3 into jhbuild, ie the whole thing I think.
>> Is it hiding from me, or did I not build it somehow?  I'd expect 
>> build/bin/python to exist, plus build/lib/python2.4 should be full of 
>> stdlib modules.  If it's not there but planned to be there, then forget 
>> about virtual-python, a custom build will cover this issue for me.
> try a git pull in your jhbuild folder and then ./sugar-jhbuild buildone
> python.  It's probably not built by default.

Thanks, that worked for me.  (shouldn't jhbuild update itself when run?)

Ian Bicking | ianb at colorstudy.com | http://blog.ianbicking.org

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