[sugar] Squeak / Etoys RPMs

Ivan Krstić krstic
Wed Oct 11 08:01:28 EDT 2006

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> *When* we will see the plans for the wiki/Ebook reader? I hate to ask
> about this again but... I think it would help turning this discussion in
> a productive one.

That spec has been available internally since August, when I first
presented it. I should certainly clean it up and release it publicly,
though you're welcome to receive a private copy before then.

I've been planning to focus on the design aspect of the wiki and e-book
reader all of this week and next with Eben, but I've been ill so far.
That's at the top of my todo list, however.

> I'm not asking you to design every single part of the storage system
> with user experience in mind, but please at least keep an eye on it.


> The whole thread clearly show the disconnection between the design team
> thinking and what you and Ian have in mind. 

Not really. I've been focusing on the low-level bits that I don't think
require much integration initially, so that you folks can figure out
what things are supposed to look like :)

The low-level bits should be flexible enough to support whatever that
turns out to be.

Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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