[sugar] Re: Crossmark draft spec

Ivan Krstić krstic
Wed Nov 1 03:08:40 EST 2006

Hi Marc,

J.M. Maurer wrote:
>  - Could styling cover links lists, macro's, etc?

No link styling for now. Lists can definitely have styling in them.
Macros are a bit of a special case; I deliberately left this out of
draft-4 since I need to think it through some more, but the basic idea
is that Crossmark /never/ processes anything within a macro's
block-contents. The block is always passed to the macro verbatim. A
macro will then have (standardized) access to the parser API in a way
that lets it parse parts or all of its block-contents.

>  - What are valid characters in "url names" ?

An URL in Crossmark means any RFC3986-compliant URI where the scheme is
HTTP(S). I just realized this means we have to allow for IPv6 literals
which are bracketed; I need to look through and see if this causes any

>  - Must the number of '=' the length of the heading 1 string? (same for
>    heading 2 obviously)

No, it should just be defined as a fixed number (say, 3) or more.

Let me know if you have any other questions, and I'll add the
clarifications above to draft-5. Cheers,

Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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