[Sugar-desarrollo] [Systems] New Mailing Lists - Nuevas Listas de Correo

Bernie Innocenti bernie en codewiz.org
Dom Mayo 2 12:14:52 EDT 2010

El Fri, 30-04-2010 a las 12:39 -0500, Sebastian Silva escribió:
> I would like to ask for the creation of one mailing list for our team:

> somosazucar en lists.sugarlabs.org  -  Lista para la coordinación de
> equipo Somos-Azúcar
> This one we need urgently as our current one @escuelab.org does not
> work well.

Done.  You should have received a notification email from Mailman.

> Also, I see a need for a latin-american coordination list in spanish,
> we propose to call it EUPE (Es Un Proyecto Educativo) in reference to

> eupe en lists.sugarlabs.org  
> This one is a proposal

Can't the somosazucar list work for this purpose too? Or am I
misunderstanding the scope of the somosazucar list?

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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