[SoaS] Testing liveinst in SoaS-3

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Mon May 24 10:17:35 EDT 2010

Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> yesterday we evaluated a nightly compose of SoaS-3 on a Toshiba laptop
>> of one of our teacher trainers.
>> Hardware support was perfect and the overall impression was very good.

zyx-liveinstaller (now available by yum install in f13)

and SugarClone

should be added to the soas spin ASAP

These will provide much greater flexibility for installs to USB/HD

Tom Gilliard
> I'm glad to hear that. I'm really looking forward to this release.
>> However, installation to hard drive with liveinst could use some tuning:
>>  * installer asks for way too many technical questions such as hostname,
>>   root password... Most of these should be unnecessary for SoaS.
>>  * By default, liveinst tries to create a complicated partition layout
>>   using LVM + swap + boot + root. Just root should be enough on any
>>   computer which can already boot SoaS just fine from USB.
> Both of these points can be swapped out by providing the liveinst
> command (or was it the anaconda one? liveinst calls anaconda, so that
> should work anyway) with a kickstart file in which such things might
> be predefined.
> If this is something we really want, I could probably look into it as
> part of my GSoC, I guess.
>>  * After installation, firstboot bothers the user with more silly
>>   questions. The firstboot package could probably be uninstalled.
> Either that or branded and made more useful - it used to provide the
> ability to do the keyboard selection before logging in which I think
> is pretty sane, but apparently this got ripped out by upstream because
> of some regressions a couple of releases ago.
> So in its current state, I guess you're right.
>>  * No automatic login after installation. You get GDM and you have to
>>   key-in a password, which is very un-sweet :-/
> We could throw that in the kickstart file, too.
>>  * After installation, sudo does not work out of the box. (this is one
>>   of the major annoyances of Fedora, it should be fixed upstream too)
> It doesn't work on the live image out of the box either, from what I
> recall. You've got a point there, but this is indeed one of Fedora's
> decisions as upstream.
>> I'll follow up with additional comments as we deploy SoaS on more
>> computers and collect feedback from more formadores.
> Thank you! This is really appreciated! :)
> --Sebastian
>> --
>>   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
>>  \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
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