[Marketing] SoaS Creation Kit09 Usability

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Thu Jun 3 18:57:05 EDT 2010

John Tierney wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I have had chance to Burn and look at SoaS Creation Kit09. Since I
> handed out version07 to the Computers & Writing Group I was hoping
> to supply them with an image of the additions and changes that went
> into Version09.
> Thought it might be good idea to meet on IRC #sugar-meeting sometime
> in next few days to go through whats in place and add in any additional
> instructions and guidance that might help the less technical. 
> I'm pretty open Friday, Saturday, Sunday during day 11am-6pm EST if
> any of those times might work for you, 
Saturday would work for me.

I am in Oregon so somewhere near 1500 UTC  (7amPST) Saturday is fine.
Let me know by e-mail if this is convent.
(I am retired so I can meet at another time if it works better for you.)

Did you see that I just did a Mirabelle-Remix?


With these programs added to the build:

(Allows creation of (live/non-live)USB  from the booted CD)

Note the file on the DVD
/ How to make your own custom iso file.pdf/
Shows how you can customize it to suit your needs.

Looking forward to your ideas.

Tom Gilliard
Bend, Oregon

> if not please suggest and I will
> try to work around.
> You have done a Great Job putting these pieces of the puzzle in place,
> with a little polishing we will have a True Tool to turn people into Sugar 
> Enablers. The great thing about the DVD is after you receive it and
> copy files to your computer becoming a Sugar on a Stick Creation Station,
> you can pass it on to others, encouraging them to do the same.
> Thanks So Much!
> John Tierney
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