[Marketing] [SoaS] Generating a list of SoaS spins

Sean DALY sdaly.be at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 02:59:59 EDT 2009

Hi Mel

I'm a bit confused by this

Sebastian's "spin" is Sugar on a Stick, and is likely to stay that way
for some time, not least because of his active work.

I am the first to welcome other Sugar liveUSB implementations (in
particular to see how stick loading and use is simplified, made more
reliable, etc), but at this point of time (and for some time, barring
an unforeseen event) other implementations will play second fiddle to
the main project.

I would hope anyone else planning a Sugar liveUSB would contact us
first concerning naming, to avoid creating confusion and for the good
of Sugar Labs. We carefully chose ice-cream names for marketing impact
- sweet, on a stick, a treat for kids. This is part of Sugar
brand-building and not limited to the Sugar on a Stick project. Anyone
naming their version with a color or flavor will interfere with that.
Of course, that means we need to rely on goodwill and hope people will
not wish to intentionally damage our efforts to spread the word about
Sugar efficiently.

So no, I would be against someone calling their liveUSB "Sugar Live
Purple Release" for example.

Right now I need to concentrate with the Marketing team and Sebastian
on launching Blueberry even wider than Strawberry. This means
associating other news meant to introduce Sugar to teachers (live
online demo for example) or news event (live collaboration session
between schools in different countries for example).


P.S. I am against using the acronym "SoaS" without writing "Sugar on a
Stick" (same for "IAEP", and "a.sl.o", etc). Anyone unfamiliar with
Sugar Labs will have to figure it out themselves, and since the name
is so important, I'd recommend not contracting it.

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