Recruiting and Tasking Marketing Interns for the fall.

Mel Chua mel at
Sun Nov 23 14:59:39 EST 2008

Going off of these three, I'll add...

> Create one or more elevator pitches to help people describe the product.

> Create collateral to give out at conferences aimed at various market 
> segments such as teachers, developers, funders

> Create a baseline "sales demo" people can give at conferences. Clearly 
> people would customize for different situations but having a starting 
> place would empower more people to feel comfortable promoting Sugar 
> themselves.

Run "so you wanna be a Sugar salesperson?" training seminars for 
non-business people (educators, hackers, writers, etc) who want to learn 
how to present, pitch, demo, speak, and man booths - including letting 
people practice (videotape?) and get comments on their presentation skills.

Create Sugar deployment business plans for several (very different) 
deployment business models (how to fund, organize, and create a 
sustainable project using Sugar) that people can use as examples/templates.

Have several "howto" options for Sugar fundraising (3-5 page booklets 
that run you through holding a seminar-a-thon, a community-wide "lessons 
auction" (folks auction off things they can teach others),  a hackathon, 
or some other fundraising events that can be run by nearly anyone at a 
variety of scales. The idea would be that local fundraisers would go 
into local Sugar Labs and local development (so that if someone says 
"can we have $?" we can more often say "here's a few ways you could get 
$!" instead of "here is $.")


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