[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Trisquel image Ready for testing.

Martin Guy martinwguy at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 23:15:35 EST 2020

Thanks. I'm flattered that my previous email became the release announcement!

On 23/11/2020, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 08:03:02AM +0100, Martin Guy wrote:
>> - The alsa "Headphone" control is muted, so no sound comes out of
>>   external speakers. "alsactl init" fixes this but also halves the main
>>   audio volume, while "amixer set Headphone unmute" makes it work.
>>   That leaves the Headphone volume at 0 but some sound still comes out
>>   of the headphone socket.
> That's probably how ALSA works on your laptop.  It is fixed on OLPC OS
> by adding alsactl and amixer commands to startup scripts.  It can be
> fixed longterm on your laptop by changing ALSA defaults upstream.
> Other Linux desktop environments have moved to PulseAudio, but that's
> not an option for Sugar yet, needs development.

Sugar Live Build includes pulseaudio, which it says is needed to fix
speech synthesis, but that makes pulseaudio the first and default
mixer device. I didn't get as far as finding the ALSA runes to find
the correct mixer device. TOAST instead only presents one mixer
device, the hardware one, so I'm guessing it doesn't include PA though
speech synthesis does work.



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