[IAEP] Sugar Labs at SCaLE 17x post-conference summary

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Tue Mar 12 13:52:35 EDT 2019

We had a successful presence at the Southern California Linux Expo, and 
booth visitors chose to take several hundred business cards with Sugar 
Labs, Sugarizer, Sugar On a Stick, and Internet In A Box logos. In 
attendance were myself, my wife, Caryl Bigenho, her lovely husband, and 
Adam Holt, all of whom were stationed at the booth to interact with and 
answer questions from the attendees.

Estimated attendee count for SCaLE 17x 
<https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-17x> was around 3,000. 
Despite being crammed in the rear corner of the exhibit hall, we had a 
lot of foot traffic, and general interest. We gave away just under 500 
sugarlabs.org-branded promotional items, which was a 
sugarlabs.org-branded LED light and whistle key chain item, as well as 
several hundred "business cards", which you can view below.

We had six OLPCs on display, including one XO-4, two XO-1.75's, and an 
XO-1.5, all of which could be interacted with by visitors, and had a lot 
of kids (I'd guess at least a hundred) stop by and play with the OLPCs. 
We briefly explained what Sugar was to adults and children alike, and 
encouraged them to try it out for themselves on the machines, as well as 
by download Sugar on a Stick.

We also had Sugarizer on demo on an iPad and Google Nexus 7 tablet, as 
well as a new $200 HP laptop running Sugar on a Stick, to demonstrate 
how easy it is to run Sugar on commodity hardware.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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