[IAEP] Sugar Labs Vision Discussion in 6 hours

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Thu Jun 16 13:45:43 EDT 2016

El 15/06/16 a las 22:02, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Hi
> On 15 June 2016 at 12:51, Sebastian Silva <sebastian at fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebastian at fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
>     On 15/06/16 08:40, Dave Crossland wrote:
>     > However, http://www.one-education.org has just announced their new
>     > unit, which is US$260 including tax (but plus shipping from
>     Australia)
>     >
>     > Perhaps that should be the reference unit?
>     Just saw this closer and it looks like a really nice laptop. It's a
>     shame that there is no Sugar image tailored for it. 
> When I spoke to Rangan a couple months ago, he said that there is no
> demand from the schools that One Education serves for such an image.

It all depends on your intervention principles. In education, *we see
Free Software as the only ethical and coherent option because it enables
learners to examine and improve the tools we use to learn*, or do our jobs.
>     Perhaps Sugar Labs should try to get a donation for distributing
>     to developers.
> Sadly https://github.com/oneeducation is not updated much, as they are
> working in private repos; he wasn't sure if they will become public
> repos after their launch ramps up.
>     It looks like a classmate-class laptop 
> What do you see the differences as between a classmate and a chromebook?
I expect to be able to install a standard or customized GNU/linux
operating system on classmate-class laptops. At a certain scale I expect
I can have it pre-installed by the supplier and produced with only
free-software supported parts. I don't expect Chromebooks will offer
these possibilities.
>     we really need a good OS proposal for those.
> Can you point to any proposals that are similar to what you have in
> mind (but perhaps not 'good,' as you define it...)?
There are many. I can point to:

  * DouDouLinux http://www.doudoulinux.org/web/english/index.html
  * Qimu http://www.qimo4kids.com/what-is-qimo/
  * Trisquel TOAST http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trisquel_On_A_Sugar_Toast
  * DebianEdu https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/
  * Minino http://minino.galpon.org/
  * Huayra GNU Linux http://huayra.conectarigualdad.gob.ar/
  * Canaima GNU Linux http://www.canaima.softwarelibre.gob.ve/

They either:

  * Don't include / consider Sugar
  * Are 'all or nothing'
  * Are hard to base from
  * Don't run well on classmates [because of drivers]
  * Are dead projects or dormant

We propose development of a common /Sugar Blend /as a base for a
classmate-class laptop operating system:

Such a project would overcome the previous limitations by building on a
common base.

> (Operating System or Open Source? :)
I never say Open Source. :-)
>     I'd be happy deploying 10 of them in a community center near
>     Puerto Maldonado and sharing results.
> I guess you are touch with Rangan already, but perhaps we could
> schedule a call with the 3 of us if you are not :)
I'm not in contact with him but I'd love to work together towards the
goal of producing a credible and fully supported operating system for
laptops such as these (there are many brands). It would be great if we
could gather support from manufacturers and integrators for producing
and releasing a supported distribution/platform tested on specific
models of laptops.

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