[IAEP] Neko Memes for Cats / Memes de Neko para Gatos

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Tue Apr 26 22:38:06 EDT 2016

2016-04-24 13:09 GMT+08:00 Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com>:

> Most POT files are set up in English (it is the second language of
> many of our translators), but there are no technical reasons why a POT
> file cannot use Spanish as a base language.  Practically, that might
> limit the number of languages you might get (e.g. our African
> translators don't usually speak Spanish), but if your target audience
> is for the native languages of the Americas, that might not be an
> issue.

When we helped Chía's Children (8-11) to develop their ideas to actually
produce a game/activity for Sugar, they certainly got motivated by the idea
of children from other countries playing/learning with their
"transformational games".

>From ASLO's statistics [1] It seems like the "Hangman/El Ahorcadito" is the
most popular among children (with 44,324 downloads to date). This activity
aims at teaching children their rights by finding the key word on time.

We tried to be practical and focused on providing children with definitions
that would actually teach them how to act in case one of their rights got
vulnerated. This course of action may change from one country to the other,
according to each country legal frame.

Bottom line, the challenge with localization of this one, is it would
require an "adaptation" of the texts that explain children's
rights/obligations in an specific place/country.

[1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/statistics/addon/4741

> cjl
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 1:01 AM, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:09 AM, Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Would be nice to be able to Localize all 5 activities/games that were
> >> produced in Collaboration with the Children of the Seed-Programmers
> >> Workshop+SugarCamp in Chía (La ciudad de la luna ;) Colombia on 2014.
> >>
> >
> > FLOSSManual chapter
> >
> > English
> >
> http://en.flossmanuals.net/make-your-own-sugar-activities/going-international-with-pootle/
> >
> > Español
> >
> http://en.flossmanuals.net/como-hacer-una-actividad-sugar/internacionalizarse-con-pootle-god-100/
> >
> > Internationalization (i18n) must come first, then provide a link to
> > the github repo with a po folder and a POT file and wewill get it set
> > up in Poolte.
> >
> > With the migration to github instead of git.sl.o things are more
> > decentralized, but a bugs.sl.o ticket requesting L10n support is still
> > a good start.  The re-establishment of automated Pootle-VCS linkages
> > is coming after some rehabilitation work on Pootle (restoring missing
> > activities, etc.), but in the meantime a POT file is really all that
> > is needed to start collecting localization, completed po files can be
> > pulled or pushed manually at request until we re-create the direct
> > Pootle-VCS commit process.
> >
> > cjl

Laura V.

Identi.ca/Skype acaire
IRC kaametza

Happy Learning!
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