[IAEP] Deployments survey results

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Thu Jun 4 08:00:10 EDT 2015

Updated the doc, with more replies we received.


Created a page in the wiki to publish the results

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <godiard at sugarlabs.org>

> Hello community,
> In the last months, the SuarLabs Oversight Board
> run a survey between people involved in the deployments,
> with the objective of get information to help us evaluate alternatives for
> future developments at SugarLabs,
> Here is a document we elaborated, summarizing the results of the survey:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/images/4/48/Survey_summary.pdf
> This is a little step to try improve our communication with the
> deployments.
> If you are involved in a deployment, and would like to participate in
> future
> communications, just send me a email.
> Regards,
> --
> SugarLabs Oversight Board

Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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