[IAEP] A Fun, Free, CS Class Starting Now...

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 1 19:39:38 EST 2015

Hi Folks….

There is a fun, self-paced Computer Science learning opportunity starting its third iteration today. Registration is open all year, but the sooner you get started the more you will probably learn. Here is a link to a video with info about the class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cvp1lZaE2w

There are a variety of options for taking the class, ranging from auditing or working for an Edx Honor Code Certificate for free, getting a Verified ID certificate for $90, getting a Professional Development certificate from Harvard for $1000, or get transferrable college credit from Harvard Extension for $2200. Only the last one, for transferrable credit, is structured with a semester long time schedule. The others are all self-paced.  Here is a link to a chart with all the options: http://cdn.cs50.net/2015/x/references/compare/compare.html

All of the links for enrolling are shown at the top of the chart. It also has links to community forums and other things you may want to check out.

I began the class back last July, but with travels, house guests, and the like,  I only completed about 1/3 of the course. It was a lot of fun and I really did want to try the rest of the class. But, not to worry, I've re-enrolled and now have until Dec 31, 2015 to finish!

Hope to see some of you on the CS50 FB page! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/cs50).

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