[IAEP] Sugarizer on Kindle Fire

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 17 16:54:14 EDT 2014

I just downloaded Sugarizer to my Kindle Fire. It looks great! It will take me a while to test stuff. 
I have, however, played a bit with Maze and find that the touch screen of the Kindle is not sensitive enough to always make the little face go in the intended direction. Sometimes it goes in a completely different, and incorrect direction. Is there any way to decrease (or maybe increase) the size of the sensitive spots on the screen so the errors won't occur? I'm guessing that the spots are too big and overlap a bit on the Kindle screen and that is why the problem is happening.
On another note… we have a lot of folks on the list that could help get Sugarizer adapted to Spanish. Lionel, would you like to set up a project for that? I can help recruit people to assist. and can help with it myself.
Still hoping to get to the point where I can help get an IOS version going. I will have to finish EdX's CS50 class from Harvard first and it looks like it will take me until sometime next year to cover it all. I figure it could be my "Final Project" for that class.
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