[IAEP] Virtual Summits

Sameer Verma sverma at sfsu.edu
Wed Jun 11 01:14:06 EDT 2014

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> For me, nothing beats real FTF contact with folks you have only met online
> and old friends from prior conferences. The SF Summit is a high point of the
> year for many  of us. The get-together at SCaLE12x in Los Angeles this past
> January was also fun and very productive.

I'm a fan of face to face meetings as well. Nothing compares to the
richness of those meetings. That said, f2f meetings are expensive on
attendees and sponsors (those of us who put up attendees). Last year's
OLPC SF left some of us with the unabsorbed cost of $1500+ :-(

> That said… some people cannot afford the time or cost of travel to a live
> summit. Perhaps a "blended" FTF and Virtual Summit is the answer. Live feeds
> of all sessions could be provided along with recordings to be viewed later
> (OLPC France did a great job with this recently). Some presenters could be
> located elsewhere and  their sessions shown in a meeting room via Google
> Hangout or Skype. This was done last year in SF with a blended panel… some
> people at the conference, others present virtually.

We could do blended sessions (but that still needs space for locals),
or purely online ones like Ubuntu does.

> Maybe we can get a team of interested folks to make this happen… perhaps
> more than once in a year! Time zone differences are always a challenge with
> things like this, but that can be worked out.

I agree. Cc'ing Mike Lee.


> Caryl
>> From: sverma at sfsu.edu
>> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:26:47 -0700
>> To: devel at lists.laptop.org; marketing at lists.sugarlabs.org;
>> iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org
>> Subject: [IAEP] Virtual Summits
>> A few years ago, Ubuntu switched from physical face-to-face summits to
>> virtual summits. I've been peeking into these summits, and their setup
>> is quite nicely done. It's mostly a good organization around Google
>> Hangout and IRC sessions. Ubuntu Online Summit 14.06 is going on
>> right now.
>> Something to consider on our end?
>> http://summit.ubuntu.com/
>> cheers,
>> Sameer
>> --
>> Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
>> Professor, Information Systems
>> San Francisco State University
>> http://verma.sfsu.edu/
>> http://commons.sfsu.edu/
>> http://olpcsf.org/
>> http://olpcjamaica.org.jm/
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