[IAEP] Virtual Summits

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 10 23:21:50 EDT 2014

Hi Folks,
For me, nothing beats real FTF contact with folks you have only met online and old friends from prior conferences. The SF Summit is a high point of the year for many  of us. The get-together at SCaLE12x in Los Angeles this past January was also fun and very productive. 
That said… some people cannot afford the time or cost of travel to a live summit. Perhaps a "blended" FTF and Virtual Summit is the answer. Live feeds of all sessions could be provided along with recordings to be viewed later (OLPC France did a great job with this recently). Some presenters could be located elsewhere and  their sessions shown in a meeting room via Google Hangout or Skype. This was done last year in SF with a blended panel… some people at the conference, others present virtually.
Maybe we can get a team of interested folks to make this happen… perhaps more than once in a year! Time zone differences are always a challenge with things like this, but that can be worked out.

> From: sverma at sfsu.edu
> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:26:47 -0700
> To: devel at lists.laptop.org; marketing at lists.sugarlabs.org; iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org
> Subject: [IAEP] Virtual Summits
> A few years ago, Ubuntu switched from physical face-to-face summits to
> virtual summits. I've been peeking into these summits, and their setup
> is quite nicely done. It's mostly a good organization around Google
> Hangout and  IRC sessions. Ubuntu Online Summit 14.06 is going on
> right now.
> Something to consider on our end?
> http://summit.ubuntu.com/
> cheers,
> Sameer
> -- 
> Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> Professor, Information Systems
> San Francisco State University
> http://verma.sfsu.edu/
> http://commons.sfsu.edu/
> http://olpcsf.org/
> http://olpcjamaica.org.jm/
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