[IAEP] How can I get Camera to work on XO? Also how to access USB

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Mar 13 12:20:13 EDT 2013

On 2013-03-13, at 16:50, Steve Thomas <sthomas1 at gosargon.com> wrote:

> Tried with Etoys 5.0 build 2406. But camera does not work. Saw this in trakcer, but no wifi access, although I can put files on a USB.

Possibly the Camera plugin is missing? See /usr/lib/squeak/... 

> How can I address the USB device from terminal? What is the path?

Likely /media, formerly /mnt. The Journal auto-mounts it. I think if you hover over the usb icon in the Journal it shows the path. If it doesn't show up in Journal, you likely can't access it in the terminal either, because it's not mounted.

> Can I download Activites to the USB and install from there? If so how?

Using the Journal, as Mike wrote, or from the terminal using sugar-install-bundle.

- Bert -

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