[IAEP] Sugata Mitra at TED 2013

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 9 00:45:13 EST 2013

Hi Folks,

Sugata Mitra has done it again! Watch his great new TED 2013 talk, from a month ago, where he introduces a new approach to collaborative learning… not one laptop per child, but 4 children per laptop (or desktop) in a "Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)" You can catch the video of his talk here:


He has also teamed with TED and the Huffington Post to organize a contest where teachers, parents, and other youth leaders can experiment with his SOLE model with children ages 8-12 then share their experiences. Instructions for the contest are in a guide. you can download here:


The best thing about the guide is that it actually has generalized, customizable Lesson Plans and hints for making cooperative/collaborative learning work! Even if you can't do the contest (it ends in April) you can save the guide for future reference.

Unfortunately, I don't have any children 8-12 to work with, but I know many of you do. Others of you will find the lesson plans great for using in a teacher training situation… have them go through the same process the kids do and the teachers will learn by doing! 

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