[IAEP] School Server Hack Sprint (Feb 7-11, Toronto)

Holt holt at laptop.org
Thu Feb 7 04:20:00 EST 2013

Plz join 6PM Toronto/NYC time if you care about conscientious organic 
productizing of school servers for Sugar, XOs and eventually beyond, thanks!

Eight of us just outside Toronto would love to hear others' thoughts on 
strategic direction for deployments {small, medium, large} if you can 
join tonight's voice (Skype) call!

On 2/2/2013 2:59 PM, Holt wrote:
> All plz join if you care to contribute!  During our Toronto-area 
> sprint (http://schoolserver.org) we'll also have 2 open calls:
>     Thur Feb 7th, 6PM (Toronto/NYC time)
>     Sat Feb 9th, 6PM (Toronto/NYC time)
> Core XS Community Edition progress/testing, on XO-1.5 and XO-1.75 
> especially, will be central to all calls.
> Extended services may also be discussed: big iron, backup/restore, 
> WebDAV, squid proxy/cache, Puppet/pdsh upgrading/administration, 
> pathagar bookserver, DansGuardian web-filtering, Moodle LMS, promising 
> content communities, LocalFi.org, Sugar Network, relevant Raspberry Pi 
> vectors etc.
> And yes: navigating lofty learning dreams vs. global/enterprise 
> educational requirements, large and small.
> Send your Skype username in advance (and a bit about yourself if 
> you're new) to join the discussion, thanks!
> On 1/23/2013 5:45 PM, Holt wrote:
>> Happy to announce many folk are arriving in person a day in advance, 
>> evening of Wedn Feb 6.
>> If you too are interested in XS Community development 
>> (http://schoolserver.org) and would like to contribute, it's not too 
>> late to RSVP today.
>> Per tradition, we'll also have open Skype calls for dedicated and new 
>> remote contributors:
>>     Thur Feb 7th, 6PM (Toronto/NYC time)
>>     Sat Feb 9th, 6PM (Toronto/NYC time)
>> Thanks all for RSVP'ing in advance with suggestions -- to help us 
>> harmonize agendas/roadmap for a productive and warm 4-day CDN(*) 
>> weekend for all.
>> (*) Just don't forget your ice skates for the pond!  As CDN comes in 
>> many colors :)
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network
>> http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/240/e/b/the_great_canadian_wilderness_by_prismsky-d5cqacf.jpg
>> On 1/8/2013 6:50 PM, Holt wrote:
>>> Thanks all as we're approaching capacity with about 5 Americans and 
>>> 5 Canadians RSVP'd!  (but if you have more exotic 
>>> citizenship+passports we'll certainly make a place for you, don't 
>>> worry, contact me soon regardless =)
>>> Strategy? Our meeting will focus on a shippable/solid school server 
>>> (SSSS) serving large deployments as well as community schools. No 
>>> matter how close we get to painfree network-configuration. Even if 
>>> much-desired features from the following list don't all ship in the end:
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aki16JhXo4mEdEU1MzA5OGJuOERtbGxHSkxzT2ZFSGc
>>> See you in a month!
>>> On 1/4/2013 2:20 AM, Holt wrote:
>>>> Details emerging in coming days/weeks @ *http://schoolserver.org*
>>>> Please join Jerry Vonau, George Hunt, Anna Schoolfield, Tim Moody, 
>>>> Rodrigo Hartmann and others advancing their XS Community Edition & 
>>>> ebook/content efforts towards community customers & XS 0.8.
>>>> Toronto/UWaterloo-area accommodations, home cooking & personal 
>>>> pickup from Toronto/Buffalo/Detroit airports may be free if I 
>>>> believe in your work, _plz RSVP today if you're interested in 
>>>> attending, thanks much !_
>>>> Those with ongoing School Server projects consider arriving 1-2 
>>>> nights in advance to polish your work, working alongside others who 
>>>> genuinely give a damn!  Prior to the larger group arriving Thur Feb 
>>>> 7 thru Monday Feb 11.
>>>> Or stick around an extra night to complete your task.  EG. several 
>>>> of us Might Even drive to Birmingham, Alabama Feb 13/14 to give 
>>>> Valentine Love to the unheralded XO/XS work ongoing in small 
>>>> pockets of the western world / OECD's largest (if in many ways 
>>>> sadly defunct) XO deployment. Where I personally had the great 
>>>> fortune to get an inside glimpse at this evolving "21st century 
>>>> civil rights movement" over much of December...
>>>> --
>>>> Help kids everywhere map their world, athttp://olpcMAP.net
>> -- 
>> Help kids everywhere map their world, athttp://olpcMAP.net  !
> -- 
> Help kids everywhere map their world, athttp://olpcMAP.net  !

Help kids everywhere map their world, at http://olpcMAP.net !

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