[IAEP] My problem with your OUI is that I can't see what problem it is solving.

Aleksey Lim alsroot at sugarlabs.org
Thu Sep 20 19:31:14 EDT 2012

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:33:33PM -0400, Chris Leonard wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Aleksey Lim <alsroot at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> > I understand that I might "misuse" SL and better to switch my centre of
> > development to another, more general, community. But, if it is not
> > misusing, (b) is not valid.
> Dear Aleksey,
> Speaking for myself, I think that "Sugar Labs" is a well chosen name
> (emphasizng the "Labs" element).  We are not the "Sugar distro", we
> are a community dedicated to improving education through the
> development and distribution of software tools for learning.  I
> believe we should welcome experimental approaches such as the work you
> are doing on Swwets Distribution and Sugar Network as we should
> welcome the work tha Activity Central does on extendign Sugar to
> support it's clients (and upstreaming that work to be shared by all).

I made my side note because this is the second time (I mentioned) when
people, who are working on research projects that are not directly
related to Sugar [Learning Platform], think that SL some how tied only
to Sugar and better (not direct relation is one of the reasons) to
keep "project home page" out of, e.g. SL wiki.

> You have engaged with a local community (SomosAzucar), inviting input
> from the broader Sugar community and are working on a project that
> will be tested in the real world, most importantly, you are producing
> code and not just talk.  Talk is cheap, working code is precious.
> Keep up the good work and the open approach you are taking, as far as
> I am concerned,  it is most welcome under the Sugar Labs banner.

Moreover, the fact of existing Sugar/XO deployments might be a major
benefit SL can "provide", i.e., new [general edu related] projects have
a chance to spread their work among people in the field. So, new
project might decide to be more involved to SL to make community of edu
related software projects stronger.

> Sugar is about more than an OS for XO laptops, but they are our
> largest installed user base and an emphasis on extending and
> maintaining the Sugar Shell is quite sensible, but it is not (or
> should not be) to the exclusion of other worthy ideas and tools that
> contribute to our broader mission.

My own transition from (1) "only Sugar" to (2) "Apache Foundation like"
is based on the fact that it is hardly possible to make edu/learning
[formal/informal] process based only on Sugar [Shell] (but for
particular hardware vendor, e.g, OLPC, it might be natural/useful to be
stuck to one software platform). And, nevertheless, it is useful
to have singular access point to various edu/learning related software
solutions for "users" and singular community (including already
mentioned benefit with having a chance to easily distribute new work
among users) for "doers".

Back to original email's (b) point, people should not be mislead about
the mission of SL.


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