[IAEP] Sugar as a Mac Ap?

Iain Brown Douglas iain at browndouglas.plus.com
Thu Jun 14 17:50:29 EDT 2012


On 13.06.2012 17:30, Frederick Grose wrote: 

> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012
at 4:27 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com [2]> wrote:
>> On
Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de
[1]> wrote:
>> > On 2012-06-13, at 07:50, Steven Thompson wrote:
>> >
>> Even just in English in Japan could help kids. The common denomenator
for jhs and hs kids is an iPhone or android and the iPad at home...much
more so than buying an Intel Classmate or having a hope of getting an
>> >
>> > Sugar can be installed on any PC, not just Classmates or
>> >
>> >> It's not about price or energy requirements here, its
about good education for kids. You've always been able to plug SoaS into
x86 Macs and have it work
>> ...
>> is quite conceivable once the Sugar
port to GTK3 is
>> complete, of course like everything it needs someone
to step up and do
>> the work.
>> Peter
> In the spirit of
exploring interesting concepts that might stimulate new development,
might someone explain the obstacles that prevent Sugar from running on
an iPad, as well, discuss potential approaches to overcome those
> For example, Etoys, an independent but significant
component in Sugar, can be run on an iPad since June 2010, 
http://croquetweak.blogspot.com/2010/06/squeak-etoys-on-ipad.html [3] 
http://etoys.squeak.org/experimental/ipad/ [4] 
> Also with time, the
current crop of iPads will become secondary devices as newer tablets are
released. Folks will then be more willing to void warranties and
experiment with the operating systems. 
> --Fred

I have been dreaming
of buying a £100 tablet, for installing Sugar, like this in local Maplin


It has: ARM A8 Cortex(tm) 1GHz processor, capacitive multi-touch
screen, 1GB RAM, front camera, Android 4.0, so am thinking it would be a
fine candidate for Fedora-arm / Sugar. I have not seen it discussed, has
it been done already? 



mailto:bert at freudenbergs.de
[2] mailto:pbrobinson at gmail.com
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