[IAEP] Conditions for the usage of XO logo?

Sebastian Silva sebastian at somosazucar.org
Mon Oct 17 13:28:42 EDT 2011

No need to panic!

We can and use the logo [in the Sugar interface].

I was wondering if we can modify it and distribute modified versions of it
like we did before (maybe we shouldn't have?):

I was unaware that we couldn't use in promotion.

El 17/10/11 11:26, kikomayorga escribió:
> it feels so silly to be thinking for permission to use the XO logo,,
> ...something must be really wrong....
> Kiko Mayorga
> i+d ata/escuelab.org <http://escuelab.org>
> 2011/10/17 Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com 
> <mailto:walter.bender at gmail.com>>
>     On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
>     <paul at kristianpaul.org <mailto:paul at kristianpaul.org>> wrote:
>     >> You may want to ask on the olpc list. Also, what is relevance
>     of the
>     >> Firefox reference?
>     >
>     > I understand that because firefox logo is trademark, so, and
>     example of what
>     > have to be done if you uses software in wich that kind logos is
>     embeded.
>     Iceweasel was a rebranding of Firefox in response to a specific issue
>     Mozilla had with Debian regarding "unapproved" patches. By bringing it
>     up as the lead-in to his question, I can only assume that Sebastian is
>     suggesting that there is some looming issue regarding the use of an
>     OLPC trademark that would violate one or more of the OLPC guidelines.
>     I was perhaps not direct enough in asking what is that issue.
>     When we have something concrete with which to work, the community can
>     take action. For example, when it was pointed out by Ruben that the
>     Scratch license was not a FOSS license, we removed it from ASLO. (Note
>     that the issue with Scratch was only tangentially related to the use
>     of their trademark artwork.) We also have been working with MIT to
>     address the issue so that hopefully we can some day have a FOSS
>     Scratch.
>     >
>     > In the case of firefox branded web-browswer some gnu/linux
>     distros ended both doing an
>     > agreement for the logo use with mozilla or rebrading the
>     software name (including new logo
>     > design of course).
>     >
>     > In the case of the XO logo, is more interesting because it is
>     used in Sugar
>     > and also in the XO-* laptop case.
>     FYI, I last asked OLPC about the XO logo back in 2009. At the time,
>     they asked that the SFC provide some guidance on the topic. I asked
>     the SFC and have yet to hear back from their legal counsel. I believe
>     that the status quo is that we are not free to use the XO graphic in
>     our marketing materials without permission from OLPC.
>     >
>     > So, sebastian keep us posted ! :)
>     >
>     regards.
>     -walter
>     --
>     Walter Bender
>     Sugar Labs
>     http://www.sugarlabs.org
>     _______________________________________________
>     IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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