[IAEP] Project/Deployment Videos/Slides Needed

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 31 13:42:29 EST 2011

Hi Folks,

Next week I will be putting together a small DVD project to run continuously in the OLPC/Sugar Labs booth at SCaLE 10X (Jan 20-22). I plan to try to use the videos from Talat's project, the XO "orchestra" in Paraguay, and robots clips from Uruguay.  I would love to include lots more!

If you have a video clips or a series of slides from a project, anywhere in the world… let me know how I can access them.  I'll collect all week and start putting it together next weekend.

As an aside, if you can possibly get out to SoCal for SCaLE 10X I can put you to work in the booth for a few hours and get you a complimentary admission (I can use up to 4 more people, at least). This is a really big event and anyone involved in OLPC would enjoy it.  Here is a link to more info:


OSSIE (open source software in education) and a new event, SCaLE The Next Generation, will both be on Saturday. Abe Kazemzad and I will both be doing presentations in the OSSIE track on Saturday. We are also hoping that some of the students from the Contributors Program project Abe works with in South Central LA will be able to attend and share their experiences too.

Happy New Year!Caryl 		 	   		  
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