[IAEP] Sugar Digest 2011-12-01

Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn alanjas at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 5 15:48:56 EST 2011

> Please do *not* start making Flash based activities!
I can, and if I want, I make some of them!Pure games or educationals games.. all...

> Flash is non-free software, and even if the activities worked on a free
> player like Gnash, allowing them would encourage authors to use
> proprietary flash tools to make the activities.

If flash is "bad", for what exist gnash ??
If flash is too bad, remove gnash from the image of Sugar!!!
Activities in Flash there are another tool to develop educational software...And like any tool, it generates its new possibilities, and its drawbacks (non-free software) 		 	   		  
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