[IAEP] [support-gang] I'm VERY offline in Haiti for 2 weeks! [assume the role of peer-teacher indeed!]

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 29 13:17:24 EDT 2010

Teemu is right! I posted the older talk by mistake. The newer one shows much more  about the application of Mitra's work in a wider range of situations and with a wider range of subjects.  The first (which I just watched for the first time) does show some great data and results and is worth watching, but the second is the one I was referring to in my message.
If you want to try something like this with the students and teachers you will be working with in Haiti, here are some suggestions of how I might do it:
1. Decide what the learning goals will be... involve the stakeholders in the decision. Keep it simple to start.2. Find the Sugar Activities that will be best for achieving these goals. Involve the Teachers and stakeholders in the choice. Show them what is available and let them choose.3. Design a set of "challenges" for the students to work on using the Sugar Activities that will help them achieve the goals. Involve the Teacher and stakekholders in the process. Sdenka Zobeida Salas Pilco's XO Laptop in the Classroom has some great examples.4. The teacher need not know the information or skills the students will be challenged to learn and acquire. They will be learning along with them.5. Enlist some "cheerleaders", like Mitra's "Grannie Cloud," but in person, to encourage the students. These could be parents, older siblings, etc. They too will be learning.6. Encourage those who need more time and help. Encourage them to help each other. Build a culture of helping. Celebrate success!
While you are going through steps 1-3, the students, Teachers, and stakeholders can be exploring the XOs and learning the basics of their use.
I'm sure some others on the list with (or without) classroom experience can add to this list for you.  The easiest way to keep it organized and readable is to just enter additions or comments under each item and to add new items where you think they should go. If it is a brand new step and needs a new number, the easiest way is probably to go to a 1.1, 2.1 etc system like with software builds.
Tim Falconer is going with you right? In that case, you will probably want to focus on Etoys as the main Activity, but there are so many other great Acitivites on Sugar. You might want to try to include them too.
What a wonderful adventure you are going to have! I envy you.
Stay healthy and safe,Caryl (aka Grannie B)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 08:02:59 -0400
From: holt at laptop.org
To: support-gang at laptop.org
Subject: [support-gang] I'm VERY offline in Haiti for 2 weeks! [assume the role of peer-teacher indeed!]


    Please, Please holding up the http://RT.laptop.org / Service &
    Support Fort while I'm away around Haiti Oct 30 - Nov 14/15 :)


    Thanks all for working closely with LUKE at laptop.org (OLPC's new Web
    Infrastructure Intern) and SJ at laptop.org / 617-529-4266 if anything
    goes haywire in my absence!


    (And if I die of Cholera en route as my mom fears, it seems Tim
    Falconer will blog about it right away don't worry:
    http://waveplace.com/news/blog :)


    PS speaking of peer-teaching / peer-learning in Haiti,
    http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support_Gang of wherever, far beyond the
    Haiti school I'm trying to begin building with friends
    (http://blueTarpSchool.blogspot.com), is this TED talk useful
    below?? Smells like it, but tell me if I'm wrong --



          Re: [IAEP] NN, Mitra, and the role of the teacher
          Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:51:55 +0300
          Teemu Leinonen <teemu.leinonen at aalto.fi>
          IAEP SugarLabs <iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>

    On 26.10.2010, at 20.12, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> I watched Negroponte on the Colbert show last night.  Nice.  He  
> seems to have toned down his former "we don't need teachers... kids  
> will do it all" line a bit, but it is still implied.
> Sugata Mitra implies the same in his TED talk:
> http://www.ted.com/talks/sugata_mitra_shows_how_kids_teach_themselves.html

I think the latest TED talk of Sugata Mitra is much more interesting  
and relevant:


I personally think that OLPC and Sugar could learn a lot from Mitra's   
presentation and his latest article:

Mitra, Sugata & Dangwal, Ritu (2010). Limits to self-organising  
systems of learning—the Kalikuppam experiment. British Journal of  
Educational Technology 41 (5), 672–688. http://suoranta.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/mitra.pdf

I think the way how Mitra orchestrates the learning situations in his  
research in very interesting. The model is not 1-to-1 but rather 4- 
to-1 model. He has prove that children are actually teaching and  
learning from each other. On the other hand, Mitra's finding is not  
really anything new in the field of learning science and psychology of  
learning with the sociocultural theory of learning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural-historical_psychology 
) and social constructivist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_constructivism 
) approach.

Mitra's cases are also not children learning on they own. For  
instance, there are clear "assignments" for children and  
"evaluation" (in Mitra's case research) taking place after the  
learning situations. That way it is not learning "without teacher" but  
rather learning with a different kind of teacher.

Best regards,

	 - Teemu

Teemu Leinonen
+358 50 351 6796
Media Lab
Aalto University
School of Art and Design
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org


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