[IAEP] Fwd: SlashDot News - Tablets are game-changers for special needs kids

Kevin Cole kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org
Fri Oct 22 16:33:19 EDT 2010

> *News:* Tablets Are Game-Changers For Special Needs Kids

Posted by Soulskill on Saturday October 16, @12:57PM

from the pushing-the-right-buttons dept.

*Tags:* education, handheld, medicine, portables, technology, apple,
> autism, aspergers, asd, kids

> http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/10/16/1621227/Tablets-Are-Game-Changers-For-Special-Needs-Kids

theodp writes"The rise of mainstream tablets is proving to have unforeseen
benefits for children with speech and communication
may disrupt a business where specialized devices can cost thousands of
dollars. iPad apps like
Proloquo2Go<http://www.proloquo2go.com/About/article/ipad> ($189)
aim to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy,
down syndrome, developmental disabilities, ALS, traumatic brain injury,
aphasia, apraxia, and more. Even Steve Jobs didn't see this one coming: 'We
take no credit for this, and that's not our intention,' said Jobs, who's
been touched by email he gets from parents of special needs kids for whom
the iPad is proving to be a life-changer <http://www.caleighscorner.com/>.
'Our intention is to say something is going on here,' Jobs added, suggesting
that researchers should 'take a look at this.' Even though they might cost
significantly less than dedicated devices, SUNY speech pathologist Andrea
Abramovich explained Medicare doesn't cover consumer tablets because they
could be used for non-medical purposes."

 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7   (GPG/PGP)
 Gallaudet University          |     WWW:
 Dawes House 305               |   V/TTY: (202) 651-5135
 Washington, D.C.  20002-3695  |     FAX: (202) 651-5746

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