[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Wed Sep 23 16:34:30 EDT 2009

On 23 Sep 2009, at 20:22, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> El Wed, 23-09-2009 a las 14:33 -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz escribió:
>> Or, we bless a small number of completely self-contained virtual  
>> machines
>> (e.g. etoys squeak, mozilla javascript, Sun Java, perhaps a  
>> restricted
>> python), and then run them on any hardware.
> I think that would create a much better environment for end-user
> application developers, and would solve many (but not all) of the
> compatibility issues.
> It's still too restrictive for external developers who would like to  
> do
> more ambitious things, like Karma and Physics.  Those would have to  
> come
> and beg us to approve their dependencies.

+1 That is just what should happen if they are deemed valuable by  
educators/learners. I would be very happy if the bulk of 'activities'  
were content/material created in such meta activity environments.

> Currently, they can just go on and package up all they need
> independently.

That is also what is and should happen ;-)


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